Welcome Back Everyone....

     Hello everyone... I'm back and better than ever. On Monday my class got assigned our final... What I've been looking forward to all year. So basically our final has A LOT of freedom that I am not used to having, not sure if I like it, but I should probably learn how to have a lot of freedom now that I am a senior and about to go out into the real world. Anyways, we have 4 options for our final. 

    1. Two Movie Trailers (LAME)

    2. Music video of a real artist you know song (eh)

    3. Five minute Short Film (cool)

    4. Five minute Documentary (cool)

On top of that we have to do an a thousand word critical reflection which I am not excited for. 

     A few months ago I was almost guaranteed I would be doing a documentary, I had an idea in mind that I wanted to do. I changed my mind after we got assigned the final, not sure why. I just didn't feel like making a documentary anymore. 

I promised my friend Nadia last year in AS Media studies that I would do every project with her, so I already knew I would be working with her. She agreed on doing a short film too which was amazing. I talked to my other friend Martina who also wants to do a short film so we decided to team up to make a power trio. Below is a face reveal of my friends (Nadia on the top, Martina on the bottom) !!!!!!!

    At first I wanted to do something really funny, but after teaming up with Martina I quickly changed my mind. One thing about Martina is that she's an AMAZING actress who has many connections, so we knew we could get actors to play some pretty serious roles. We quickly agreed on drama which was great. 

    After this conversation we wanted to put out a very rough layout of the roles we would be taking. The part I want to do the most is cinematography, because that is what I want to study once I graduate. Everyone agreed with me working the camera. It was pretty set that Martina would direct, due to her large experience acting. She could set the tone better than any of us. She also wants to write, which I am 100% fine with because writing is NOT my thing. Nadia is going to do audio and be in-charge of misc-en-scene. Martina and I are going to be heavily working in post production, so Nadia will be doing a lot of the misc-en-scene to even out the workload. For editing, I'm gonna do the line edit and Martina is going to do the graphics. After these are done we are going to work together on the final edit. 

    Having this basic breakdown of what genre we are going to do and our roles will make it a lot smoothing producing the film. We just have to find someone to do lighting and we are good for on set. 

Now for the hard part... Writing the script (thank you Martina for being in-charge of this)


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