Deciding our genre gone wrong....
Yesterday in class my group and I shared our blogs. We all agreed on the mystery genre. Everyone wanted to have the mystery introduced being a flash forward of the main character going insane. We developed a little bit to this film opening, with the notes listed bellow
We then realized, this is WAY to basic. We all agreed to do something more creative. I elaborated on the pseudoscience idea. At first, my group was against it because they said it was "to hard to incorporate it into two minutes". Although, after showing examples and discussing it more in our group chat, they were starting to like the idea. I showed the examples in these text messages.
Here is the basic definition of all of these concepts:
- Biorhythm- Predicting aspects of some ones life based off math cycles.
- Strauss-Howe Generational Theory- A cycle of generations has specific patterns that repeat over time.
- Poly water- A form of water having different properties of ordinary water.
- Time cube- A webpage made in 1997 by the "wisest man on Earth". He claimed that all modern sciences were a conspiracy theory.
- Seances- An attempt to communicate with the dead in 1760s.
- Crop circles-Odd flattening of crops that is believed to be patterns from UFOs.
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