Music Marketing blog post #2
We started off by making several social media profiles for our band to develop the brand and image for our new group since we understand how important it is for us to succeed in today's world. We feature "relatable" heartbreak tweets on Twitter, for example, that not only promote our company but also engage our followers. We kept these themes of love and tragedy in our music video, telling the tale of a person who fell victim to a love spell. It's a terrific way to introduce our band and what they're all about.
One of the biggest challenges of this project was creating the music video. Since we do not have the budget of a professional music company, it was hard to come up with a realistic set. Therefore, we had to get creative. We used an old. little kids, science toolbox as the materials for the "love potion", and we found different techniques to edit the video that would make it look more advanced, such as adding another person in the mirror to give the effect of the "love spell".
We also had to pay attention to the way we were dressed for the music video and pictures. We had to dress in a way that fit the image of our brand, which is "alternative clothing", including a lot of black colors and jewelry. Style is a part of what we wanted to incorporate into our brands image.
An interesting part of the project was putting ourselves into the headspace of our fictional band. For example, when coming up with different captions, tweets, and posts for our social media, we had to speak in a way that we imagine would not only cater to our audience, but would be natural for a rock band in today's age to be like.
Overall, working on this project showed me that hard work is rewarding. We spent a lot of time being meticulous with the shots in our music video and making sure that we liked how they looked and the message they gave off. We also put effort into making a logo, coming up with a name for our band, and creating realistic social media accounts that would market our brand efficiently. This will help with my upcoming Cambridge project as we have to go through a similar process to create a quality film opening, and time and effort will have to be put into it just the same.
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