Researching Genres
Today in class, my group and I discussed which genre we would want to incorporate. We all agreed on mystery, although we wanted to incorporate another genre. We decided to go more research on the mystery genre, and other genres, then share. This makes it easier for us to decide which genre we want to use for our film opening.
The basic definition of the mystery genre is "the nature of an event, usually a murder or other crime, remains mysterious until the end of the story." After reading this I knew I would want to have that suspense, but be more creative then just a "murder or other crime". I do not want to copy what is quite literally in the definition.
I then went onto . Here I researched more about the genre. On this website I stubbled across the term "pseudoscientific". I had no idea what this meant, I have never been good in science so I decided to look it up. I found the definition to be "Falsely or mistakenly claimed or regarded as being based on scientific method." This is still a little hard to understand, the way to put it into simplest words is a thing that can be both scientific and factual, but do not fit the scientific method. Examples of pseudoscience can be astrology and phrenology. I know lots of information about astrology so after seeing that, it made it easier to understand.
I think this study is really interesting and would be cool to incorporate into my group and I's film opening, although, I still want to research more genres.
I thought western could be really cool, but I do not know much about it so I dug deeper. I found out that the western genre uses wider themes. According to wikipedia, they have themes such as "justice, freedom, rugged individualism, manifest destiny, and the national history and identity of the United States.
I am still debating whether we would incorporate this genre into our film opening. I believe it is really creative but may be hard to deal with the mise-en-scene elements.
On Thursday, February 15th, my group and I will put together what we learned about these genres and decide which one we will use. I cannot wait till discuss what I learned about the pseudoscientific elements.
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