Start of Film opening project

 Today in AICE media we had the second day of going over what is required in our film opening, which will be 50% of our Cambridge exam grade. This project will take over a span of 8 weeks. Immediately after being told about the project, I started to brainstorm what I wanted to do. I am so interested in cameras and the different types of shots and I want to incorporate.

One of my main goals in this film opening is having interesting technical elements. I follow this account on Instagram title @guerillafilmmakers . This account has so many cool camera techniques that I have always wanted to put into a production. Such as the Dutch angle, quadrant, and the pyramid. The Dutch angle is the camera titled at a slanted angle. The quadrant is the subject in a forth. The pyramid is the subject being in a long triangle with the 2 points in the two bottom corners, and the last point on the top of the frame and in the middle. I want to have creative colors in my film. I have not decided what type of coloring, since I do not know what genre I want to incorporate. The main color scheme I like is warm. 

I also want to significantly develop the background throughout the film opening. I want to clearly state where my production takes place. I am extremely excited to work on costume design. I am interested in fashion so it'll be fun. I have no idea what aesthetic it will be, but regardless it'll be fun. I also think having the whole show playing on a tv and the character watching it is so cool. Making my own production, to put in my production. 

Next week my group and I will start brainstorming. I want to handle a lot of the technical and I am so excited for that. I will be documenting everything I do on my blog. 


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