Working on the news story

 Yesterday in class my group and I worked on the fake news story. They had already written the standup and voice over while I was sick. All I had too do is make the graphic. I took this responsibility because I am certified in photoshop for some reason... My groupmate Clara and I decided too make one similar to CNN. This is because CNN has simple, but pleasing graphics. 

This is the graphic before making the logo. I think we might change it to blue to match where we are filming, which is the CBTV studio. Our school's colors are blue and yellow, so that is the color of the studio. We are going to try to avoid the blue in the studio from getting on camera, but if we cant we will change the text to blue. 

After making that I worked on the logo for the news network bellow.

I inspired this based off Fox News. I liked their logo because it was simple, yet pleasing, like the CNN graphics. We decided to make it Hialeah because it is a large city near us. We also decided too choose this because both of our actions are Hispanic. There is a big population of Hispanics in Hialeah so the location fits well.

I then put it all together and got this finalized graphic. 

We plan on filming the news story next class. I am bringing a polo I own to anchor in it. We will use our schools camera, audio, tripod, and teleprompter. For the rest of our project we are going to use a different camera. The ones from school are canon and the one we are going too use is Sony. The Sony and canon cameras have a significantly different look. The Sony cameras have a different looking color.  I thought it would be a good idea to use a different camera for the news story, since its going to be a video playing int he background. It establishes the news story being separate from the opening better.


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