first day of filming p2: cinematography

 As said in my previous blog, we checked out a three point light kit, Sony a7III, 50 mil/ zoom lenses, and a wireless mic. 

The main thing I followed for the 3 point lighting is using a fill, back, and key light. I used the fill light as a refraction. This is basically facing the light towards the ceiling so that it fills the entire room. This light composition is only possible to use on white ceiling, which Vanessa had. We used this during the office shot. It was more successful because the ceilings were low and the room was small. We used an extension cord to plug two of the lights because the outlet only had one free outlet. We plugged another light into another outlet. Here is what the plugs looked like:

The final outcome of the gaffing is bellow: 

Setting up the camera shot we difficult at times because the room was so small. We were overall able to get it done. most of the shots are close ups, some examples bellow:

I like how the depth of field was on this shot. The aperture was not low to the point where you can only see one thing she was writing, but not high enough to be focused on unneeded subjects. 

This shot specifically was hard to film because of the shadows from the light being blocked from hitting the paper by her hand, but we lowered one of the lights to her hands level to fill where the shadows were.

Due to the large number of close up shots, we need to get a good establishing shot. I was not happy with the establishing shot that we got, shown bellow:

It could've been framed better, also Clara's laptop is visible on the right third. We will refilm it tomorrow. 

I was also not happy at first about how high we needed to put the ISO, because it can become grainy after you pass a certain point, but it was not noticeable. 

It was probably the camera we used, it is A LOT more expensive, and better then the ones I am used too. 


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