News story gone wrong

 Yesterday, my group and I filmed our news story. This did not go as planned to say the least... We had to rush it because we did not know we were doing something in the beginning of class, so we had to wait. So it was rushed, and we were not able to use the CBTV studio. 

^The CBTV studio^

We were able to finish filming and basically had to run back to class. We were overall not satisfied with the outcome. We wanted to refilm, but we were not sure with the time circumstances. We looked at the footage a couple minutes later, and the audio.... There was no audio. NOT FUN! I originally was not on camera, I was behind it. The audio was working before hand, I even tested it with a recording. I switched with my groupmate who was going to do it because she had never anchored before, and we were in a rush. When we switched the mics, it must have unplugged. We are going to refilm it tomorrow. 

We had to work around this incident filming today, but overall filming was still successful.


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