Production Day 2 and Post Production

 Nadia picked up the equipment during her privilege before the interview and it was A LOT to carry to say the least. 

It also took a long time to setup, because we had so many lights and cameras, shot in a tight space, and my group members had never worked with this sort of equipment before. We had to be out at a certain time, so we were rushing to get it setup. This caused me us to not get the best looking 2nd angle. I liked the lighting in the shot, although we did receive a critique on the lighting. People thought the blue was too harsh, but I liked it. 

(without color grading)

We honestly should've just cut out the 2nd angle but we didn't. 

(without color grading)

One challenge we had while filming was forgetting the mics, stupid mistake. I have forgotten mics for interviews before (maybe I should be more responsible) so I knew what to do. I hid my phone to as close to his face as possible, and captured the audio on voice memos. iPhone's actually have really good audio quality. I use it a lot for my videos in my TV productions class and no one has ever said anything about the quality, so I wasn't too worried about filming the audio on my phone. 

We were able to ask all the questions, and got good responses out of most. The only thing I didn't like was that it was very surface level answers to some of the questions. I should've done a better job as an interviewer to get a better response. 

I had a good idea of how I wanted to structure the documentary when going into editing, so it was pretty quick. When he talked about Brazil and the bad artists, I just used photos from online and key famed in a slow zoom or pan for some movement.

Nadia and Megan choose the music and sound effects, I texted them what I needed and they sent them. 

This made it a lot easier when editing, as I just had to add them in, lower the gain, and fade them in and out. Takes 15 seconds a sound bite. 

My favorite part in post production is always color grading, as I want to be a cinematographer. First I color corrected, as I evened out all the clip's highlights, shadows exposure, and white balance. I then went in with an adjustment layer to add a cool tone to the video. I felt like a cool tone was a better fit because it was a calm video, and blue and green are calm colors. 

(adjustment layers are purple)

I decided to put him going through his sketchbook after he introduced himself, as it introduces his work with a minimal understanding before he goes into more details during the interview.  

I exported way to last minute, but was able to upload to a google drive and submit in time, and was pretty proud of what we pulled off in two weeks. 


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